Thursday, March 12, 2009


She INSISTS that we have additional 1/2 hours lecture...
As a result, most of us start to daydreaming at the 1/2 hours...
There is a reason why they arrange only 2 hours lecture for science subject...
She INSISTS that we have our tutorial today...
After the lecture end...
As a result, we have to see her face for 3 long hours...
And it is not even a friendly face...
She INSISTS that we finish our tutorial questions...
And she doesnt care that we have another tutorial which have been arranged before her...
So when most of us didnt finish it, she started to nag and mock us...
She INSISTS that we should read all her lecture notes and remember all the facts she taught...
Walau...U think we only take Immuno meh this sem...
Then how about other subject...
Not important???
Please be more tolerate and listen to our opinion lah...
Dont make us "pot" u in the survey ,please.....

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