Went to Education Fair in Mid Valley and PWTC.
Pursing a second degree or master?Honestly after seeing so many choices,it had been even more difficult to make a choice.I know I should have more experience since I already had a degree.And yes,I ask the correct questions and get all the answers I want.But it is not that easy.
Problems?Yes,a lot of things to clear up.Should I study in local Uni or oversea?A degree or Master?The fees are not cheap and where should I dig up money.I don’t want to make my parents to pay everything for me?
Or should I just work and be an ordinary person.I really want to go to oversea.I like the warm sun and moist monsoon here.But I also want to touch the snow and feel the other seasons.Studying aboard is really not cheap,why can I find the money for that?Studying in local in not bad but if the Uni is still using the old system like my previous Uni,I don’t think I can stand it any more.
It is not that easy.Big decisions like this is never easy.I had made a mistake in the past and fell hard.I wonder how many more mistake I can afford to make?I am 21 this year and I really can’t afford to fall again.I must make a decision and I may regret it for the rest of my life or glad for making it for the rest of my life?
It is not that easy…