Thursday, November 17, 2011

Argh...That is an unbearable pain called toothache

Toothache again...It had been showing some symptoms for the past few days and I can still bear with it.Then yesterday I stupidly bite something NOT soft with it and KABOMMMMMMMM!!!!
I had to stop eating for half an hour...Half an hour...My delicious mee soup became cold and lost most of its flavor...

Brushing my teeth more than 5 times a day isn't helping at all...

Visit the dentist???Oh...I had dentist phobia since small...Although it had gotten better but not really feeling to see one unless everything else won't work...

I suspect is the wisdom tooth that caused all these pain..."Wisdom" tooth...What a lame name...

Argh...The most unbearable pain ever...Damn...I hate toothache...

1 comment:

Lee Hwa said...

wow....must be really really painful...... go and see a dentist before the pain got worsen!

heard my friends say before, the growth of wisdom tooth not in appropriate location can cause the pain and u need to get that wisdom tooth out. so, go and see dentist. the sooner u see the dentist, the sooner u'll get rid of that pain!