Saturday, June 16, 2012


What is the function of 麻黄? 
What is the function of 桂枝?
What is the function of 竹茹?
What is the function of 水牛角?
What is the function of 紫菀?
What is the function of 黄连?
What is the function of 川芎?
What is the function of 川贝母?
What is the function of 石决明?
What is the function of 紫河车?
What is the function of 肉桂?
What is the function of 红景天?
What is the function of 山楂?
What is the function of 川楝子?

Where is the location of 合谷?
Where is the location of 极泉?
Where is the location of 商阳?
Where is the location of 巨骨?
Where is the location of 足三里?
Where is the location of 头维?
Where is the location of 阴市?
Where is the location of 手五里?
Where is the location of 肺俞?
Where is the location of 迎香?
Where is the location of 厥阴俞?

So many things to memorize...
Brain saturated...

Too bad,can't unsaturated it yet...
Maybe after EOS,I will release some of them...
But before that...
Really need to try my best to increase my brain capacity...

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