And as you see,all of my Pokemon are fully evolved and the evolution made them much more stronger and faster than before.Especially Darmantian and Excadrill...Both of them hit fast and hard.Serperior is also faster and more trickier but really can't counter Sap Sipper Pokemon,so I may need to adjust its move pool.Simipour is also getting so much better compared to before,both its Special Attack and Attack had improved a lot.Zebstrika is still a little disappointing,it is very fast but can't really KO an opponent in one hit,sometimes even when using STAB moves.Stoutland is no longer a vital part in my team,it is good but maybe not good enough...Still need a lot of practicing to determine the best nature and moves for every Pokemon,so it is not good now doesn't mean it will be not good forever...

Anyway,get my fourth badge after a fun battle with Elesa. Emolga create a little trouble but I beat them without really much hard word. Her Zebstrika and mine had an intense fight where we kept on Flame Charging each other.I won eventually but she gave me a run for my money...

Currently,I am in Driftveil City where it is snowing^^Nice view...

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