Had been busy for the past few days with the conference and finishing my assignment.The conference ended yesterday and I submitted my assignment this morning,so it is time for Pokemon again^^
My current team:

Had made some changes in my team.Zebstrika had been removed and replaced by Galvantula. Galvantula may not have amazing speed (but still it is quite fast) but it had better Special Attack and move pool. It can used Thunder better than Zebstrika due to its Compundeyes ability and higher Special Attack. Besides that,being part Bug type give it access to Bug Buzz which will be useful during the Elite Four (There will be Psychic and Dark type user).Another new addition to the group is Lampent, a Fire/Ghost Pokemon with monstrous Special Attack!!!It is not very fast yet but the super high Special Attack made it worthwhile since I don't really had any good Special canon.But the problem now is the lack of STAB moves,it only had Flame Burst which is not very powerful,it learned Overheat at Lvl 69 and Flamethrower can only be learned through TM.My Pokemon level is also raising faster than normal due to the Lucky Egg given by the Professor. Good thing when you can cut half the time to train your Pokemon to one level higher.

Currently had 6 out of 8 Gym Badges. Clay is a tougher opponent compared to Skyla. Flying is really not a great type especially when your opponents had Electric and Steel Pokemon that totally walled you. It was rather and easy match facing Skyla where all her Pokemon had no chance to even attack,my Pokemon just totally owned hers. Clay in the other hand gave me some resistance but still mine had higher level...

Icirrus City,another snowy place^^
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