Monday, October 20, 2008

Making Agar-Agar

Today I will teach u all how to make agar-agar...
First,we mix 20g of the agar powder into 500ml of distilled water...
Next,mix it well...
Then,place our mixture into an autoclave machine...
Left it in 121°C for about an hour...
Then we pour the mixture into small plates called Petri dish...
Oh...Before that we must add in a special ingredient called blood...
Finally,left in to cool for half an hour...
And "qiang qiang qiang", U can now enjoy ur chocolate agar...

(p/s:I will not be responsible in anything that happen after u take ur agar,Try at ur own risk).....


Jacquelyn Ho said...

Ah! It's Blood Agar! I use that agar everyday now in my lab hehe!


Lee Hwa said...

Blood agar for microorganisms!!
i don't know how they actually make it, i just learn what microorganism that can live in blood agar and some other types of agar...

now i know how they do it!! haha....