Monday, April 13, 2009

Finished the Mid Sem and Lab Test

Finally we finish our whole long list of mid sem tests today...The last paper is Neuro and all the question are in MCQ form...So it is not so hard compared to other lol...
Finally can have a little rest and try to take some air.Ah......I missed the freedom in the air...Gonna take a few days to replenish and recharge myself.Quite exhausted really because bz with a lot of stuff for the past few weeks. Tests,Reports,Assignments....It is pretty scary when everything come in the same time,but luckily I survived it with few bruises here and there. Not badly wound I think as everything is doing just fine.
Then I will face the final in 2 weeks time.So must start to study like crazy again.Really wish to score better this sem...

Gambate lol, all Biomedic Student...

p/s:dont forget about the UTAR survey cos it is the time to voice up!!!

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