In less than 30 minutes,three quarter of the year 2011 will be gone…
9 months…
Time flies faster than light…
Many things happened to me for the past 9 months…
I experienced happiness,sadness,angryness,madness,sorrowness,delightfulness…
I went to Taiwan,I am back from Taiwan,I enrolled into my 2nd degree,I finished my 1st semester as a student again,I started my 2nd semester,I rejoin Tzu Ching again,I say goodbye to some old friends (who went to oversea),I meet a lot new friends,I once again say goodbye to my beloved hometown and I say hello to a new place (Bukit Jalil)…
9 months fill with ups and downs…
I am just glad that the ups are way more than the downs…The happiness is way more than sadness…Delightfulness is way more than sorrowness…Madness is way more than angryness…
It is still a beautiful world…
A very very hopeful world^^