Friday, March 16, 2012

Fall sick at the "not so appropriate " time

Had been sick for the past few days...
Flu+fever+cough...You know...The usual stuff...
Skipped half day class yesterday because I was too sick (and a little little little bit lazy)...

Not a very great time to fall sick (But seriously if there any great time to fall sick???)
Many stuff need to be handle,academically and socially...

Workshop presentation was done in a hurry and it was my most under-prepare presentation ever.I only managed to finish the slides last night and had no chance to practice at all...Luckily the pathology lecturer was kind enough to praise my work (Actually he praised everyone...) and although his explanation time is around the same length with our presentation...Well,one job done nonetheless...

Then need to get ready for the cooking competition next Saturday.Need to finish my to do list by tonight and prepare a complete "Things to borrow and buy" list by tomorrow.Plus I had meeting in Kelana Jaya tomorrow evening and recycling campaign tomorrow night...I just feel glad that I still had my voice as it will be my most important tool for the next few days...

Oh...and need to start revising again...Exam is still a few more months away and the acupoints,meridians,herbs and diseases that needed to be memorize is A LOT!!!