Monday, November 16, 2009

My Sunday 我的星期日

12.00am到1.30am: Looking for journal about moina enrichment and catfish larvae growth.I found out that no one really carry this sort of experiment before.Most of them are using Arthemia instead of moina so dunno whether to believe the facts or not…It is really depressing really, especially when the fish larvae fed with un-enriched moina is 2 times bigger than those fed with SELCO…Dont play play plz…I dont want to repeat the whole experiment again…

1.30am到2.30am: yam char lor…It had been a while since we last yam char cos we are kinda broke…

3.00am到7.30am : “Bones” Marathon, from Season 1 to Season 4.Now I know why everyone jerked the Season 4 finale…Honestly man,amnesia!!!After we were shown all the good things and presuming a good happy ending, at the final moment we were told that Booth had amnesia and was dreaming about everything…一场空!!!

8.30am到9.30am: Journey to Semenyih…太惨了!!!When everyone are still sleeping soundly at a Sunday morning, Gary and I are forced to continue our observation in Semenyih…The journey there is as boring and tiring as usual…Can hardly open my eyes…Luckily I had my Nescafe…

9.30am到12.00pm: Working in Semenyih…Doing the same thing over and over again…Catch moina, feed them to the fish larvae, prepare the enrichment oil, observe the condition of the fish larvae, recording everything down and still trying to understand what the workers is trying to say to us…鸡同鸭讲。。。

1.00pm: Reached Setapak after finishing Stage 1 at Uni…Tired and hungry…Ate a few pieces of biscuits and thinking of having a nap, but there will be a meeting regarding Selayang activity at 2…我忍,我忍,我忍忍忍!!!

2.00pm到4.20pm: Meeting on what are we going to teach the small kids at Selayang this week. The theme for this week is 别浪费,要惜福. Will be taking over the 静思语教学for the younger children this time, planning to play a drama so need to write down a simple script…Missing the children there since the last we went there was like ages ago…Looking forward for this Saturday…

4.45pm: I am officially awake for 24 hours AGAIN

5.10pm到7.45pm: I cant stand it anymore…I am just so so so so tired and I cant barely open my eyes… Late evening nap to recharge my energy…If Ken havent call me for dinner, I think I sleep till tomorrow morning…

8.00pm到11.45pm: Went to PJ for dinner with the geng cos Gary wanna go to Digital Mall…Had dinner at Friendz at Millennium Square…The food is quite ok and the price is also quite reasonable…

12.00am: Worrying about the coming week…So many things to be done…FYP,Selayang and movie time with sis…Hope the next week will be going smoothly…加油咯!!!

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