Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Chilling at home...

Unusual because I been spending my night times in library almost everyday lately...

After the quiz today,feel like staying home and relax a bit...

It had been quite a crazy week and it feels good to finally had a chance to stop for a while and sort out my life...Not making any big decisions but going to plan out a series of events.Try to find a way to complete all the tasks smoothly and efficiently but not in a rush.

Going to start revise for EOS as soon as possible...Many subjects with tons of notes that will suffocate me if I don't start early.Today was just lucky because I managed to answer most of the questions correct but I know luck will fade away if you don't really make an effort in studying.

Then there will be a series of assignments and reports that needed to be submitted,so going to try to finish them as early as possible.Rushing reports and assignments is not fun at all,I can finish them in the eleventh hours but the result won't be as good as I wanted...

Tzu Ching event will be lesser for the next few months because everyone is having their semester break.Maybe I will spend more time in the free clinics on Sunday...First hand experience in dealing with patients is definitely important as I am approaching my second year.Besides,I just love the atmosphere there.

Many many plans ahead...Need to stay focus and execute them well^^

1 comment:

aiwei said...

where do u help out at the free clinic i m looking for something to do during the weekends rather than sleeping lol

and cant wait to see u on monday!!! c u!!!