Tuesday, March 29, 2011

After 10++ years

Never thought I will meet someone I haven't met for the past 10 years.
10 years,wow...How long is it.10 years ago,I just started my secondary school life.10 years ago,I was still a young,*ahem* innocent boy living in Tanah Merah.10 years ago...10 long years ago...

I am happy to meet the person again.We used to be fierce rival when we were young.We were friend,of course but we fought hard to get the number one spot.I could still remember the year where I lost a few marks to the person and been kicked to the 2nd class.It was long long time ago but funny it stuck on my mind since then.It was good to have a rival,it motivate me to work harder so that I can beat the person the next time.

We met at a camp in KL.A place that I less expected...At first I thought I had mistaken the person for someone else,but then I suddenly remember the familiar face and that really gave me a shock.I had been a Tzu Ching for 4 years now and I had attend a lot of activities and this is the 1st time I ever meet a fellow friend from Tanah Merah.

It just felt great...Nice to meet you again,friend^^

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Earth Hour 2011

It was Earth Hour again yesterday and as usual my annual Earth Hour post ^^

And I will stress again that rather than switching your electrical supply for one hour per year,you will help the Earth more by saving up electricity EVERY DAY!!!

Then at 8.30 sharp,I heard fireworks outside.Wow,so “environmental friendly” to celebrate this day with more emission of CO2!!!

The main purpose of Earth Hour is to create awareness but do we really need all those celebration?Do we really need to light up candles in paper cups as a symbol that we SWITCH OFF the lights?Do we really need to drive all the way to malls to join the celebration with others?Do we really need those???DO WE???

So how I spent my Earth hour?Well,I took a stroll under my apartment.It was bright (many people didn’t participate) but I managed to find a darker spot.I sat there and look upon the stars (which is also been outshone by the lights) and relax.The wind was blowing gently,the surrounding was so quiet and it was so peaceful.And for one moment I feel myself in-sync with Mother Nature (until the fireworks AGAIN broke my peaceful moment!!!).The world is a beautiful place and I want my next generation to be to enjoy it as well.I will want to show them how magnificent and grand our planet it,not through images in books and Internet,but through interacting with the nature directly.

Don’t all of us wish that too???What we want to leave for our next generation?A paradise-like world or a dying planet???




Thursday, March 24, 2011

Don’t tell me a bad news and expect me to tell others because…


I sucks super sucks ultimate sucks at delivering bad news!!!I can’t do it well face to face,through phone call,through sms,through e-mail,through any way.I JUST CAN’T DO IT!!!

Even though the news might not involved me in any way (for an example,a famous singer or actor passed away),I still fail to convey the message properly.If the message had something to do with me,it will be even harder.If the message is distantly related to me (I had to cancel a gathering or meeting),I still can’t tell it out.Thus,I will always give this big responsibility to the others.You can ask me do a jobs ten times harder and will consume 10 times the energy needed,I still won;t deliver the bad news.

Bad news is almost always depressing and depressing my *ahem * “fragile” heart will affects my mood the whole day which I don’t like.Besides that,it is hard to choose a way to convey a bad news.Should I act naturally or fake a sad face(although the news had nothing to do with me,for an example someone pet dog just passed away…)What kind of body language should I display?What tone should I use?What excuse should I give ?(especially if I had to cancel a gathering or activity because of I misinterpret a message)

Maybe this is one of the reason why I don’t want to be a doctor.Imagine how awkward will I be when I am going to tell a patient:”You had cancer and have only 3 more months to live!” I will definitely screw the whole thing and may had shorten the patient life (Who knows,maybe I use the wrong tone and suddenly his blood pressure rockets and get a stroke and died instantly,It is possible…)This is why I choose to be a Chinese Medicine Practitioner.Lower risk of killing my patients through my cold and innocent tone in delivering bad news!!!

So to someone,sorry I had misinterpret a message and the place for the visit tomorrow had be taken by other people.It is all my fault and please please forgive me!!!I will try to tell you as soon as possible but please don’t meet me by accident in Uni ya,I will prefer to call you and decrease the awkwardness as low as I could


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I finally get a flu again…Yes,finally bcoz it had been a while,I think my last flu was like a year ago???

Anyway,flu sucks as usual…My nose is completely blocked my Mr.Mucous and they are starting to migrate to my throat.I didn’t had a good sleep last night although I slept from 10pm to 8am.I woke up a dozen times just to ease the mucous blockage and try to make myself feel better.

Then I realized I forget to bring my flu medication from TM and I was like WTH…Great,without any proper medication I wonder how long will this mucous blocking syndrome will last.The only thing that can ease my suffering is the 1000mg Vit C pill that dissolved in water and taste more and more horrible…

So guys which me luck…I really need to be well soon.a big camp this Saturday…

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Soldier Lament-Sonya Kitchell


My favorite song of the week.Heard this song about a month ago in the series finale of “The Unit”.Download it straight away but never had the chance to really hear the song until a couple of day ago.

The melody attracts me the most.Recently I am pretty addicted to the humming+simple guitar+haunting type of melody.The melody kept on playing in my minds,taunting me to play the same song over and over again.The lyrics is quite good too although I don’t really understand the whole song.Maybe I just love the arrangement of the words…

My favorite part is the ending lyrics:

Tell me somethin'
What are yah livin' for?
Tell me boy
What are you livin' for?
Tell me somethin'
What are yah livin' for?
Tell me, tell me
What are you livin' for?

BTW,the singer Sonya Kitchell is at my age and wow she could write and sing something so good!!!

The lyrics for Soldier Lament:

He fight and he pray
He love and he bleed
To know satisfaction was not his need
And when he walks, stands tall as he can
For he's a man, yeah he's a man
And when he crumbles, resolve to the ground
Like burnt bits of paper, life flutters round
All eyes turn away, no one wants to see
A man who has lost, in the fight to be free
For we've been out runnin' for all of our lives
No chance, and stop, and we'd surely lose sight
In the back of his mind is a smiling face
The one who said, "yah know, it's no race"
The one that said, "you got time to breathe"
Cuz' child you're born, we're all born free
In the back of he mind is the back of a room
So dust enshrouded, and no dust broom
Stands a chance to clear the cobwebs away
So live in the back, in the dark it'll stay
And we've been out runnin' for all of our lives
No chance, and stop, and we'd surely lose sight
Tell me somethin'
What are yah livin' for?
Tell me boy
What are you livin' for?
Tell me somethin'
What are yah livin' for?
Tell me, tell me
What are you livin' for?

The live performance by Sonya Kitchell:

Friends lol

Had a nice gathering with my UTARian friends last week (Ya,one week ago but only managed to update now).We had dinner together and chat.

It had been a while since I had such a nice chatting session.IMU is good but maybe still too new.The people here are nice and friendly,but just haven’t really find someone who I can spilt everything on him/her yet.

During the gathering,we chat about football,politics,school,their working life,my study life and other people personal life.I think it is healthy to be a busybody sometimes^^Feel very comfortable and happy because we are still close to each other.It is not easy,we walk into a different path and yet can still be such close friend.

Everyone had changed at least a little,maybe they had all grown mature in their working life.I feel weird yet happy to see them grow up to be better person.I think I am the one with the least change^^

Anyway really hope that we can maintain our close friendship and good luck in everything that you all are doing!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nice life

Life had been good to me lately.

Bukit Jalil is a nice place,simple and quiet.Although I I do miss good old Setapak sometimes (especially the yam char session),Bukit Jalil had its own beauty.The road are less busier which means the air is much cleaner.In Setapak,I will be woken up every morning by the honking car.Here I can either woke up naturally or by alarm.Every morning I wake up happily and willing.Sleep well and live better life…

The course is also very interesting.Everyday I discover new facts about Chinese Medicine.and I think I finally found the course that suits me the most.Biomedical Science is good,but it is just not my cup of tea I guess.People here are mostly friendly and I love when everyone always had a smile on their face.A smile could really brighten the day^^

Life can be boring sometimes,but overall it is good.No more download frenzy here,so I can focus on my studies and join more Tzu Ching activity.The life as a Tzu Ching is as awesome as usual.I hope that my experience as Tzu Ching in UKTAR can help IMU Tzu Ching a bit,but we can always learn from each other.Trying to popularize the blog and they are teaching me how to interact more with others.

Nice place,nice environment,nice friends…Nice life…

Tuesday, March 8, 2011




  • 树木都是在春天开始生长,所以春天归属于木
  • 太阳从东方升起,树木又需要利用阳光生长,所以东方归属于木
  • 春风吹,就是春天到了,所以风归属于木
  • 树木多数都有翠绿的叶子,春天到,万物生长,也是一片绿绿的,所以青归属于木
  • 长在树上的果子有很多是酸的,所以酸味归属于木

  • 夏天的天气是一整年来最热的,所以夏天归属于火
  • 南方又是整个中国天气最热的地方,所以南方归属于火
  • 夏天艳阳高照,太阳挂在天上的时间更长,中暑更是常有的事,所以暑归属于火
  • 烧的越猛烈的火,颜色越红,所以赤归属于火
  • 用火烤焦的事物都是苦苦的,所以苦味归属于火

  • 土地是孕育万物之母,最肥沃的时候是接受最多雨水的时候,长夏雨水最多,所以长夏归属于土
  • 中原地带,土地最肥沃,更是整个中国的发源地,人口最多的地方,所以中归属于土
  • 长夏雨水多,最潮湿,所以湿归属于土
  • 土地是黄色的,中原人是真正的炎黄子孙,所以黄归属于土
  • 从地上生长的食物(西瓜、芹菜)都是甜的,所以甘味归属于土

  • 秋天是稻田是一片金黄色的,所以秋天归属于金
  • 金黄色的夕阳在西边落下,所以西方归属于金
  • 秋天时,吹来的风都是干燥的,所以燥归属于金
  • 至于白为什么归属于金,我就不晓得了,希望知道的人能够告诉我哦
  • 金属燃烧时都会出现阵阵刺鼻的味道,所以辛味归属于金

  • 水冻结后成冰(雪),冬天下雪,所以冬天归属于水
  • 北方是全中国最冷的地方,所以北方归属于水
  • 冬天下雪,天气非常寒冷,所以寒归属于水
  • 冬天时,夜晚比白天长,天空很快就转黑了,所以黑归属于水
  • 海水是咸的,所以咸味归属于水

Saturday, March 5, 2011










The class started…

On Monday.My 1st official studying week (different from study week) in IMU.

Learning all those basic stuff.Although it is still very basic (according to the lecturers),it is a little confusing and a lot memorizing is needed.Met some of the old friends such as Cell Biology and Writing in English,but I am also now friend with Chinese Medicine Theory and Chinese Medicine History^^

We learnt Yin阴 and Yang阳 this week.I never thought learning Yin and Yang will be so freaking complicated,the relationship are way more complicated than any couples in the world @.@

History,you know history.They are dull and boring but somehow compared to those rubbish we learn during Form 4 and Form 5 (especially those in Form 4),this is much much more fun and interesting.

Next week we will going to learn about the Five Elements (金木水火土).I have a peek online and ya… it is not going to be simple.Luckily the theory behind the Five Elements is quite interesting,think I am going to love it!!!

Due to the class load,didn’t really take part in the orientation this week.Miss out some of the fun moments,but never mind bcos my Tzu Ching Welcoming Party is very very fun too…(Will blog more after I receive the photos!!!)





阴阳学说认 为,人体是一个有机整体,人体内部充满着阴阳对立统一的关系。从人体部位来说,上部为阳,下部为阴;体表为阳,体内为阴;背属阳,腹属阴;四肢外侧为阳,四肢内侧为阴。以脏腑来分,五脏(心、肝、脾、肺、肾)属阴,因其功能以静为主;六腑(胆、胃、小肠、大肠、膀胱、三焦)属阳,因其功能以动为主。五脏之 中又可根据其位置分为阳脏(心、肺)和阴脏(肝、脾、肾),每一脏腑之中又可将其功能归为阳,而其物质归为阴。此外,经络亦可分为阳经、阴经等等。




阴阳学说还被 中医学用来说明人体的病理变化,认为疾病的发生,是人体阴阳失衡所致。阴阳失调的表现形式很多,可归纳为阴或阳的偏盛偏衰,以及对另一方的累及等,这些可统称为“阴阳不和”。许多情况下,疾病发生、发展的过程,就是正邪抗争,各有胜负的过程。这一过程可以用阴阳偏胜、阴阳偏衰、阴阳互损、阴阳转化作以概括 性的解释。

阴阳偏胜包括阴偏胜和阳偏胜,是指在邪气作用下(或本身机能病理性亢奋)所致的阴或阳的任何一方高于正常水平的病变,《素问 "阴阳应象大论》说:“阴胜则阳病,阳胜则阴病。阳胜则热,阴胜则寒”。

阴阳偏衰包括阴偏衰(阴虚)和阳偏衰(阳虚),指阴或阳低于正常水平的病理变化。《素问 "调经论》指出:“阳虚则外寒,阴虚则内热”。由于阳虚,不能制约阴寒,可出现虚寒征象,即阳消阴长,“阳虚则寒”;阴虚,无力制约阳,可出现虚热征象,即阴消阳长,“阴虚则热”。


阴阳转化指阴阳失调所表现出的病理现象,在一定的条件下可以相互转化,《素问 "阴阳应象大论》中的“重寒则热,重热则寒”、“重阴必阳,重阳必阴”就是说明这类病理情况。


由于中医认为 疾病发生发展的原因是阴阳失调,所以对于任何疾病,无论其病情如何复杂多变,都可以用阴阳学说加以诊断。中医诊断疾病首先要分清阴阳,既可以用阴阳来概括证型,又可以用阴阳来分析四诊。如望诊色泽鲜明者属阳,晦暗者属阴;闻诊声音洪亮者属阳,语声低微者属阴;脉象浮、数、洪大者属阳,沉、迟、细小者属阴等 等。从证型来看,病位在表属阳,实证属阳,热证属阳;而病位在里属阴,虚证属阴,寒证属阴等。

在决定治疗原 则和临床用药时,中医学也是以阴阳学说作为指导的。如对于阳邪过盛所致的实热证,以热者寒之的原则用寒凉药物清热;对于阴盛所致的寒实证,则应以寒者热之的原则用温热药来祛寒。而对于阴虚所致的虚热证,要以滋阴药以补虚;对于阳虚引起的虚寒证,则要以温阳药以补阳。在阴阳两虚的情况下,就必须阴阳两补。

阴阳学说还可 用来概括中药的性味,并用以指导临床使用。一般来说,寒、凉药属阴,温、热药属阳;味酸、苦、咸者属阴,味辛、甘、淡者属阳;具有收敛、沉降作用者属阴,而具发散、升浮作用者属阳。在临床用药时,应当根据疾病的阴阳性质决定治疗原则,再根据药物的阴阳属性来决定用药。

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A new life…

Almost a week in IMU and everything is fine till now.

The past few days were good.Attending and really taking part in the orientation is fun and ya…I am very old and I really need more work out ==lll…

Anyway IMU is good,the environment,the facilities,the lecturers,the officers,the seniors.Adapting well and sometimes still will miss my Uni life in Setapak.

But funny lah,no mamak stall near my house lol…And there is only one freaking ATM in the whole area…

Will post more later cause want to get ready for Tzu Ching meeting^^