Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Dead Crow-A SAMAD SAID

I think u guys should know this poem,right???We read it before in our Form 1 English Literature.

《The Dead Crow》

He saw a dead crow
in a drain
near the Post Office,
He saw an old man
gasping for air
And a baby barely able to breathe
In a crowded morning clinic
This land is so rich
Why should we suffer like this?

I want clean air
For my grandchildren
I want the damned fools
To leave the forest alone,
I want the trees to grow,
The rivers run free
And the earth covered with grass.
Let the politicians plan how
we may live with dignity
Now and always

A very meaningful poem and it pretty much tell us what is happening in this so called modern age.Where people no longer care about the trees,the animals,the surroundings,the eco-system balance.All they have in their eyes are money money and money.They create a disaster which will be left over to the next generation,they are beginning to create a monster that will wipe all the human population one day and THEY STILL DONT REALIZE IT...

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