Wednesday, December 16, 2009

There is only a thin line

There is only a thin line between responsible and irresponsible…

There is only a thin line between good and bad…

There is only a thin line between me being mad and me being calm…

There is only a thin line between my normal side and my crazy side…

There is only a thin line between patience and impatience…


So please please dont get on my nerve constantly because when I snap everyone will get hurt and I really dont want it to happen…

I can always be a Mr.Good Guy but if I felt unhappy and stress for too long,you will see the ugly side of me that u wont want to see at all…

So please be considerable…I personally prefer peace rather than a war and I will prefer to be a friend rather than an enemy…

1 comment:

Lee Hwa said...

there's also a thin line between wise and unwise

dont let anger cloud your mind and judgement.

i undestand how you feel and i dont think im a suitable person to give you advice on this matter too because i can also be "uncontrolable" sometimes. just because i place emotion before sensible judgement.

most of the time i felt regret for my action during the "anger-storm". but i can no longer mend what i've done now learning to be more's hard but i think one day i will succeed. i hope you can too.

we've been friends for years and i know what person are you( and i can also imagine your angry face* hehe*).it was just the surface more hatred or hard feelings after that. i do hope you're still the same you. forgive and let go.i know you can do better than i. ^_^