Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I did a cheap thing yesterday...
I went to a cheap shop...
Selling cheap stuff...
To buy something cheap...
The things sold there are really cheap...
Most of the items are just around RM2-RM5...
Really really cheap...
A big mug is only RM2...
A pair of socks is also RM2...
A calculator is also RM2...
24 medium sized paper clips is just RM5...
Cheap till...
But I am happy to buy these cheap stuffs...
At least when it is broken or out of order...
I wont fell like I lost a lot...
Cheap thinking...


Lee Hwa said...

....is that the only "cheap"est thing you've done so far???......
hmm....good for you...at least you can save some money there....

Mike Cheong said...

Wow... That's crazily CHEAP!!.... By the way, where did you go to get all the cheap stuffs?!

Silent Chaos said...

From the shop just beside my flat. I forget the full name...